Neuro-ophthalmologists treat patients with vision and eye movement issues caused by neurological issues. The eye care experts at Novus Clinic will determine if neuro-ophthalmologic care might be required for your unique vision needs.
Neuro-ophthalmology is a subspecialty that combines both neurology and ophthalmology. This specialized expertise provides care for eye disorders and vision loss that can be associated with problems affecting the nerves in and around the eye or in the brain, and not the eyes themselves.
Common visual symptoms that our Wichita, KS neuro-ophthalmologists evaluate and treat include:
Unexplained vision loss
Double vision
Unequal pupil size
Disturbances in the visual field, such as flashes of light (photopsia)
Abnormal eye movements, such as shaking movements
Chronic eye and facial twitching
Eyelid abnormalities, such as a drooping eyelid
Neuro-ophthalmologists also diagnose and treat vision changes arising from the brain and nervous system. The following neurological conditions can cause visual problems in adults:
Brain tumors
Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Thyroid disease
Parkinson’s disease
Degenerative disorders
Vascular disease
There are a variety of causes for neuro-ophthalmology disorders. These include nerves and muscle disorders around the eyeball, inadequate blood supply to the optic nerve, raised pressure in the brain, inflammation related to diseases in other parts of the body, compression from a tumor, or trauma/injury.
A neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation is very comprehensive and can take several hours. In addition to a comprehensive eye exam, additional specialized testing will be performed. Testing may include:
Evaluation of eye movements and ocular alignment
Fundus photography
Optical coherence tomography
CT scan
Neurological exam to test coordination and strength
Fluorescein angiography
Color testing
Blood testing
Specific neuro-ophthalmology treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disorder. Treatment can be given by the neuro-ophthalmologist, or you may be referred to a neurologist or other specialists.
It important to see your regular eye doctor before seeking care from a neuro-ophthalmologist. If they suspect a neurological disorder is contributing to your loss of vision or eye problems, they will refer you for specialized vision care.
If you suspect you have any of these conditions, please call us to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam.
Neurological conditions can have a serious effect on your vision. If you suspect you are displaying symptoms of a neuro-ophthalmologic disorder, contact Novus Clinic or your normal eyecare provider today. Find a convenient Novus Clinic location near you in Tallmadge, OH today.